What does 5th Dimension Really Mean?

Entering the 5th Dimension What does 5th Dimension really mean and how is it possible to enter it? We live in the 3rd Dimension. We can see feel and touch most things around us. We can pick up a cup and examine it all the way around, but we can't be inside the cup and outside of it at the same time. That is experiencing in the 5th dimension. You don’t see into 5th dimension you become a part of that reality, or at least your consciousness does. I was given to write this teaching today as the result of a lovely 5th dimensional experience that I had the other day when working with a very close and valued colleague. An issue [...]

By |2019-06-03T14:08:55+01:00June 3rd, 2019|Uncategorised|Comments Off on What does 5th Dimension Really Mean?

Earth Healing – Completion Phase

Completion of our Earth Healing Project Congratulations to you all. What an amazing experience it has been for so many of you.It is just over a week since the Equinox and the start of our Earth Healing event. From today the Darshan Light will begin to fade out and leave you but the Earth Healing will continue for quite some time, usually around 3 months. Since the equinox the bird life seems to have quadrupled. They just know when it is time to open up into expansion and we should do the same. This is our time of creation in the northern hemisphere, whilst in the south, it is time to be thinking about completion of projects and cycles. Candle in the [...]

By |2019-03-30T13:06:46+00:00March 28th, 2019|Uncategorised|Comments Off on Earth Healing – Completion Phase


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